About Us
We are a Brazilian ministry located in the city of Haverhill, in the state of Massachussetts, in the USA, fraternally affiliated to the Convention of the Assemblies of God in Brazil (CIADESCP).
Our church has been leading people to the knowledge of God through the sacred scriptures for over 10 years, with the ultimate goal of showing the only and true path: JESUS CHRIST, our Savior and Lord.
Cardinal Doctrines
- Salvation
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit
- Divine Healing
- Second Coming of Christ
This “Statement of Fundamental Truths” has the 16 doctrines of the Assemblies of God. These are non-negotiable tenets of faith that all Assemblies of God churches adhere to.
1) In the divine verbal and plenary inspiration of the Holy Bible, the only infallible rule of faith and practice for Christian life and character (2 Tim. 3.14-17); - 2) In one God, eternally subsisting in three distinct persons who, though distinct, are equal in power, glory, and majesty: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; Creator of the Universe, of all things in the heavens and on earth, seeks and invisible, and, in a special way, human beings, by a supernatural and immediate act, and not by an evolutionary process (Dt 6.4; Mt 28.19; Mc 12.29; Gn 1.1; 2.7; Hb 11.3 and Ap 4.11);
- 3) In the Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, fully God, fully Man, at conception and in his virgin birth, in his vicarious and atoning death, in his bodily resurrection from the dead, and in his victorious ascension into heaven as Savior of the world (Jo 3.16-18; Rm 1.3.4; Is 7.14; Mt 1.23; Hb 10.12; Rm 8.34 and At 1.9);
- 4) In the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, consubstantial with the Father and the Son, Lord and Quickener; who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment; who regenerates the sinner; who spoke through the prophets and continues to guide his people (2Co 13:13; 2Co 3.6,17; Rom 8.2; Jn 16.11; Titus 3.5; 2Pe 1.21 and Jn 16.13);
- 5) In man's sinfulness, which deprived him of the glory of God and that only repentance and faith in the atoning and redemptive work of Jesus Christ can restore him to God (Rom. 3.23; In 3.19);
- 6) In the absolute necessity of being born again by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ and the working power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to make man accepted in the Kingdom of Heaven (John 3.3-8, Eph 2.8.9) ;
- 7) In the forgiveness of sins, in full salvation and in justification by faith in the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on our behalf (Acts 10,43; Rom 10,13; 3,24-26; Heb 7,25; 5,9) ;
- 8) In the Church, which is the body of Christ, pillar and firmness of the truth, one, holy and universal assembly of the redeemed faithful of all ages and all places, called from the world by the Holy Spirit to follow Christ and adore the God (1Co 12.27; Jo 4.23; 1Tm 3.15; Hb 12.23; Ap 22.17);
- 9) In the biblical baptism performed by immersion in water, once, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, as determined by the Lord Jesus Christ (Mt 28.19; Rom. 6.1-6; Col. 2.12);
- 10) In the need and possibility of having a holy and blameless life through the work of the Holy Spirit, who enables us to live as faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ (Heb 9.14; 1Pe 1.15);
- 11) In the baptism in the Holy Spirit, according to the Scriptures, which is given to us by Jesus Christ, demonstrated by the physical evidence of speaking in other tongues, according to his will (Acts 1.5; 2.4; 10.44-46; 19:1-7);
- 12) At present, the spiritual gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit to the Church for its edification, according to His sovereign will for what is useful (1Co 12:1-12);
- 13) In the second coming of Christ, in two distinct phases: the first - invisible to the world, to rapture His Church, before the Great Tribulation; the second - visible and bodily, with His Church glorified, to reign over the world for a thousand years (1 Thess 4.16, 17; 1Co 15.51-54; Rev 20.4; Zech 14.5; Jud 14);
- 14) No appearance before the Judgment Seat of Christ of all raptured Christians, to receive a reward for their deeds in behalf of Christ's cause on earth (2 Cor 5:10);
- 15) At the Last Judgment, where all the wicked will appear: from Creation to the end of the Millennium; those who died during the millennium period and those who, at the end of this time, live alive. And in the eternity of sorrow and torment for the infidels and eternal life of joy and happiness for the faithful of all times (Mt 25.46; Is 65.20; Rev 20.11-15; 21.1-4);
16) We also believe that marriage was instituted by God and ratified by our Lord Jesus Christ as a union between a man and a woman, born male and female, respectively, in compliance with what is defined by the genetically determined sex of creation (Gen. 2.18 ; Jo 2.1.2; Gen 2.24; 1.27).
Romans 10.9-10:
"Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved."
Join us to worship Jesus and to learn God's Word.
No change happens by chance, it is necessary to DECIDE TO CHANGE. A work of art that is weathered and needs to be restored, however much it needs restoration, will only be restored when someone decides to restore it and invests time in the project, money, and effort in it.
Likewise, in relation to our life, it is necessary to recognize that we need restoration. Restoration is a personal decision, no one changes anyone. It’s a process. That’s why we say it is a spiritual journey. Each Step is a learning experience. We are here to help you on your foot with God.