About Us

We are a Brazilian ministry located in the city of Haverhill, in the state of Massachussetts, in the USA, fraternally affiliated to the Convention of the Assemblies of God in Brazil (CIADESCP).

Our church has been leading people to the knowledge of God through the sacred scriptures for over 10 years, with the ultimate goal of showing the only and true path: JESUS CHRIST, our Savior and Lord.

Cardinal Doctrines


This “Statement of Fundamental Truths” has the 16 doctrines of the Assemblies of God. These are non-negotiable tenets of faith that all Assemblies of God churches adhere to.

Romans 10.9-10:

"Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved."

Join us to worship Jesus and to learn God's Word.

No change happens by chance, it is necessary to DECIDE TO CHANGE. A work of art that is weathered and needs to be restored, however much it needs restoration, will only be restored when someone decides to restore it and invests time in the project, money, and effort in it.

Likewise, in relation to our life, it is necessary to recognize that we need restoration. Restoration is a personal decision, no one changes anyone. It’s a process. That’s why we say it is a spiritual journey. Each Step is a learning experience. We are here to help you on your foot with God.